Cheat Ns/Pns

Npc Hack Lv 100

Download File :
- SWF :

Step By Step : 
-masukkin aja smua file SWF ntu ke fiddler...
-clear browser's cache atau click "Clear Cache" pada fiddler
-Force Traffic seperti biasa...
-Masuk ke Recruit Friends...
-& rekrut aja 2 orang NPC itu scr GRATISSSSS...!!!

Fitur : 
- 2 NPC level 100 free buat anda rekrut
- bisa direkrut MESKI ANDA BUKAN LEVEL 80/berapapun level anda NPC ini tetap setia

NIH SS nya :

English Version:
Download File:
- SWF:
- Fiddler

Step By Step:
aja-insert your SWF file smua ntu to fiddler ...
-clear browser's cache or click "Clear Cache" in the fiddler
-Force Traffic as usual ...
-Go to Recruit Friends ...
- And recruit NPC 2 people wrote it GRATISSSSS scr ...!

- 2 NPC level 100 free for you recruit
- YOU ARE NOT EVEN recruitable 80/berapapun LEVEL NPC level has remained faithful to your


  Rare Pet Hack Via Charles

Indonesia Version
Tadi gw posting cheat rare pet via fiddler.. sekarang via charles gan.. sebetulnya kebalik sih gw postingnya.. tapi gak masalah yg penting agan agan bisa menggunakan cheatnya.. pilih aja yg agan anggap mudah dalam melakukan cheat ^_^

Peralatan :
Langkah :
  1. Buka Ninja Saga
  2. Masuk ke Petshop dan pilih pet yang akan dibeli, jangan klik buy dulu
  3. Pada charles,, klik kanan pada pilih breakpoints
  4. Terus klik buy
  5. Nanti akan muncul tab breakpoints lagi trus pilih > Edit Request > AMF > Ganti ID pet yang kita beli dengan pet yang kalian inginkan
  6. Contoh Seperti gambar 
  7. Nanti akan error 221.. eitsssss. tenang saja dengan error itulah pet berhasil anda dapatkan.. baru refresh browser
List ID Pet :id:1 Keiko
id:2 Chiko
id:3 Suzu
id:4 Eriko
id:5 Suki
id:6 Leiko
id:7 Shika
id:8 Kame
id:9 Bunny easter
id:10 Easa
id:11 Tomaru
id:12 Raita
id:13 inokuchi
id:14 Zhozi
id:15 kisuke
id:16 Yamaru
id:17 Yajiro
id:18 hiragi
id:19 Yukidaruma
id:20 kumayoshi
id:33 Ponpoco
id:56 Katsura
id:63 Itikura
id:64 Rakura

NB:Raita, kame dan Yukidaruma tidak bisa di cheat
Semoga Bermanfaat

English version
I was posting via fiddler cheat rare pet .. now via charles gan .. the opposite in fact I still posting .. but not an important issue which can be used agan agan cheatnya .. select aja who think agan easy in the cheat ^ _ ^


  • Charles
  • Mozilla ( easy to order )



     Go Ninja Saga
     Sign in to Petshop pet and choose one to buydo not click buy first
     On charles,, right click on select breakpoints
     Continue to click buy
     Will appear again breakpoints tab then selectEdit RequestAMFReplace ID with a pet that we buy a pet that you want
     As examples of images
     It will be error 221 .. eitssssstake it easy with the error that you managed to get a pet .. The new browser refresh

Pet ID List:
id1 Keiko
id2 Chiko
id3 Suzu
id4 Eriko
id5 Suki
id6 Leiko
id7 Shika
id8 Kame
id9 Easter Bunny
id10 Easa
id11 Tomaru
id12 Raita
id13 Inokuchi
id14 Zhozi
id15 Kisuke
id16 Yamaru
id17 Yajiro
id18 hiragi
id19 Yukidaruma
id20 kumayoshi
id33 Ponpoco
id56 Katsura
id63 Itikura
id64 Rakura

NBRaitakame and Yukidaruma can not cheat
Hopefully Helpful

How To earn Saga Token

This article exists to complete the tutorial how to Buy SAGA Token which I have previously made. Period if there are free anyway do not we take. Unfortunately, right? : D

Many may already know how to Earn a free Token SAGAbut let me explain again afdol let the uninitiated to know and if you already know tell the uninitiatedIs not that the principles of science? : D

Ok than a lot further adolet's move on to the steps:

AOpen the application Ninja SAGA and Login to the use of your charChar my lifetimeI can later char token: D This time I used a dummy char klonengan aka aka kagebunshin mine to practice it. See the picture below!

Seen there new tokennya numbered 170. After thatclick the button above Token Earn SAGA.

2Then, open the Proxy-List website to find a free proxy IPThe site can be accessed at the address Wellafter that enter the captcha code to see his ip proxy availableSelect the type of proxy Transparent IP with U.S. state and the uptime is highSee the picture below!

3. After that, enter the Proxy IP is selected earlier in the browserIn this example, I use Mozilla FirefoxYou can enter its IP Proxy by accessing the menu Tools >> Options >> Advanced >> Network >> SettingsThen, select the Manual Proxy ConfigurationNow enter the chosen IP Proxy were there along with the port. Do not forget to tick the option "use this proxy server for all protocols". Note the picture below!

4. Then reload the page SAGA Earn Tokens that have been opened earlier. Select an advertiser to take a free token. In this example I clicked gWallet will display a lot of offersHere I click the button offers to get 34 tokens free with the condition that they watch a video of Windows Phone 7Note the picture below!

5. It will display the page to watch video, watch the video until the end and do not be closed when not completed. Because it could result in you not get a token that is provided.

6. When finished, return your proxy settings to No Proxy in FirefoxAfter that open and log back in char Ninja saga and see tokennyaIncreases, is not it? : D
When you grow char tokenI congratulate youIf not increasedbecause not every patient in an instant offer to give tokensometimes there is delay it. It could delay 15 minutes1 hourday, and so forthOiyahow to get a token to watch the video above just as an example only, you can just mendaptkan token registration by email or online survey depending on his offerFinally, good luck!

Atm Exp Hack Pns

Silahkan Download Aja Di sini 


Cara Menggunakan. :
Caranya :

1.Download dulu fiddler
2.Kemudian Install Fiddler
3.Baru jalankan Fiddler
4.Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
5.Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
6.Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
7.Masuk Ke PNS dekstop
8.Clear Chace
9.Masuk PNS
10.Masuk Hq ( Head Quarters

Cara Menghapus chace :
Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data

Sumber :
Berikut ini video tutor nya


All In Shop Pns

(Download Nya Langsung Aja Ke TKP :Download)
(Download Nya Langsung Aja KE TKP:Download )

Caranya :
1.Download dulu fiddler
2.Kemudian Install Fiddler
3.Baru jalankan Fiddler
4.Klik Tab AutoResponder (yg icon-nya petir hijau)
5.Centang kotak "Enable automatic responses" dan juga "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
6.Jatuhkan .SWF File yang kamu download tadi ke kolom AutoResponder
7.Masuk Ke PNS dekstop
8.Clear Chace
9.Masuk PNS
10.Shoping ^^

Cara Menghapus chace :
Untuk Mozilla Firefox : Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Pilih Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Klik OK
Untuk Google Chrome : Pilih icon yang berada di pojok kanan atas (sebelah bintang) -> Options -> Under the Hood -> Clear Browsing Data -> Empty the cache -> Clear Browsing Data


Cara Pemakaiannya :
"Academy" untuk beli jutsu secret.
"Shop" Beli baju, back item, senjata langka
NB : Jika terjadi eror saat membeli sesuatu itu dikarenakan PNS yg sekarank databasenya belom lengkap


Niiihh Video Tutor nya

God Mode Hack Ns/Pns


Open C.E 6.1
Downlad it immediately wrote to cekdibrotDownload )

Tutorial:================================================= ==Wind ElementStep ":- Log-in FB application and enter the ninja saga- Open Cheat engine- Select a process and select the browser that you use- Value Type 4 bytes- Scan gold that you have on the table value then the first scan- Double click the address which is found to move to the bottom of the column- Add +34 at the end of the address and then lick ok- Value will be changed to point the wind element, you change it at willExample to change the address: 0E806F58 +34================================================= ==Element of FireStep ":- Open Cheat engine- Select a process and select the browser that you use- Value Type 4 bytes- Scan gold that you have on the table value then the first scan- Double click the address which is found to move to the bottom of the column- Add +2 C at the end of the address and then lick ok- Value will be changed to point the fire element, you change it at willExample to change the address: 0E806F58 +2 C================================================= ==Lightning ElementStep ":- Open Cheat engine- Select a process and select the browser that you use- Value Type 4 bytes- Scan gold that you have on the table value then the first scan- Double click the address which is found to move to the bottom of the column- Add to +3 C at the end of the address and then lick ok- Value will be changed to point element of lightning, you change it at willExample to change the address: 0E806F58 +3 C================================================= ==Element of WaterStep ":- Open Cheat engine- Select a process and select the browser that you use- Value Type 4 bytes- Scan gold that you have on the table value then the first scan- Double click the address which is found to move to the bottom of the column- Add +30 at the end of the address and then lick ok- Value will be changed to point the water element, you change it at willExample to change the address: 0E806F58 +30================================================= ==Element LandStep ":- Open Cheat engine- Select a process and select the browser that you use- Value Type 4 bytes- Scan gold that you have on the table value then the first scan- Double click the address which is found to move to the bottom of the column- Add +38 at the end of the address and then lick ok- Value will be changed to point the land element, you change it at willExample to change the address: 0E806F58 +38Video Tutor Niih nyabaru.



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